Invoking Cross DSL Validations

In DSL’s, it is quite common to have Custom validations. With Xtext, such validations are defined in the generated Validator class by annotating the methods with @Check annotation. Behind the scenes, these methods are invoked reflectively by the framework while the user of the DSL is typing in the editor. In addition, you could use CheckType to control when a given validation method should be invoked.

Typically, in projects, you’ll have more than one DSL’s, each having it own custom validator. There are situations where you want a certain validation to be invoked which is “NOT” associated with the DSL being modified. For example - In the below DSL’s, if I define a clazz as “deprecated”, all its references should be highlighted with an error (i.e. the parameters in the TestFunction should show as an error).

Class DSL

namespace org.neclipse.xtext.validator.example
<deprecated> clazz Customer {  
    String name 
    String age }  

Function DSL

namespace org.neclipse.xtext.validator.example
import org.neclipse.xtext.validator.example.Customer
func TestFunction (Customer customer, String param1, Customer param2...) { } 

In Xtext, an IEObjectDescription is used for representing a model object (EObject). It has a name, URI and may have some additional data. In the example above, making the Customer clazz as deprecated won’t alter the “state” of the associated EOD, by virtue of which the Xtext builder will not invoke the validator for the Function DSL (PS - ClusteringBuilderState#queueAffectedResources()). The validator for the Clazz DSL will only be called.

There are two ways to solve the problem

  1. Customizing the DefaultResourceDescriptionManager
  2. Adding user-data to the created EObjectDescription

1. Customizing the DefaultResourceDescriptionManager

public class FuncDslResourceDescriptionManager extends DefaultResourceDescriptionManager
        implements IResourceDescription.Manager.AllChangeAware {

    public boolean isAffectedByAny(Collection<Delta> deltas, IResourceDescription candidate,
            IResourceDescriptions context) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        return isAffected(deltas, candidate, context);

    protected boolean hasChanges(Delta delta, IResourceDescription candidate) {
        return true;

The above change ensures that the passed IResourceDescription is added to the queue of the affected resources to be processed.

The method DefaultResourceDescriptionManager#hasChanges() checks if the passed delta has changes. We override this method and return true to indicate that the passed delta has changes even if there are no actual changes.

The downside of this approach is that the validator will be called even if there is no actual change (EOD not changed). This might have an impact on the performance of the DSL editor.

2. Adding user-data to the created EObjectDescription

class ClazzDslResourceDescriptionStrategy extends DefaultResourceDescriptionStrategy {

    private final static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ClazzDslResourceDescriptionStrategy)

    private static val DEPRECATED = "deprecated"

    override createEObjectDescriptions(EObject eObject, IAcceptor<IEObjectDescription> acceptor) {
        if (qualifiedNameProvider !== null) {
            try {
                val qualifiedName = qualifiedNameProvider.getFullyQualifiedName(eObject)
                if (qualifiedName !== null) {
                    acceptor.accept(EObjectDescription.create(qualifiedName, eObject, createUserData(eObject)));
                    return true
            } catch (Exception exc) {
                LOG.error(exc.getMessage(), exc);
        return false

    def createUserData(EObject eObject) {
        val Builder<String, String> userData = ImmutableMap.builder()
        if (eObject instanceof Clazz) {
            userData.put(DEPRECATED, Boolean.toString(eObject.isDeprecated))

Above, user data is added while creating an EObjectDescription for the Clazz EObject. In the example above, if you change the Customer Clazz from deprecated to non-deprecated or vice versa, the user-data changes. This changes the state of the EObjectDescription representing the Customer EObject.

This being said, the call to DefaultResourceDescriptionManager#hasChanges() returns true for IResourceDescription representing the TestFunction. The same is added to the queue of resources affected by the build. The validator for the Function DSL is called along with the Class DSL.

The advantage of this approach is that you can selectively choose the changes on which the cross-dsl validaion should be called.

Source code - ClazzDslResourceDescriptionStrategy, FuncDslResourceDescriptionManager References -