Parsing and Validating input DSL text

In your Xtext project, it is common to come across situations where you have an input DSL string and you need to - Parse, Validate and load it into a Resource set. With EMF, you can quickly create a Resource using ResourceSet and load the input string into the resource. It will also give you the errors that are typically produced as the resource is loaded.

As the requirement is quit common, you migth end up duplicating the code in multiple locations in your codebase. Obviously, this is bad and adds to the maintanence headache. A utility can come handy in such situations.

class MyDslParser {  

	@Inject IResourceValidator validator

	def Model parse(String uri, String model, XtextResourceSet resourceSet, CancelIndicator cancelIndicator) {
		val resource = resourceSet.createResource(URI.createURI(uri))
		resource.load(new StringInputStream(model), null)
		// Check Syntactical errors. 
		// The errors list is typically produced as the resource is loaded
		if (!resource.errors.empty)
			throw new ParseException('Syntax error:\n' +[message].join('\n'))
		// Invoke your DSL validator for user defined validations
		val issues = validator.validate(resource, CheckMode.ALL, cancelIndicator ?: CancelIndicator.NullImpl)
		if (issues.exists[severity == ERROR])
			throw new ParseException('Validation error:\n' + issues.filter[severity == ERROR].map[message].join('\n'))
		resource.contents.head() as Model

If you are in a non-dsl project and you want the injection to work, you can get hold of the IResourceServiceProvider instance using the following technicques

val resourceServiceProvider = IResourceServiceProvider.Registry.INSTANCE.getResourceServiceProvider(URI.createURI("dummy.mydsl"))

or you can call method getResourceServiceProvider() on an XtextResource instance as shown below.

val validator = resource.resourceServiceProvider.resourceValidator
val issues = validator.validate(resource, CheckMode.ALL, cancelIndicator ?: CancelIndicator.NullImpl)

PS - The code above is written using Eclipse Xtend